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Monuments Quotes ( 1 - 10 of 20 )

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The need has gone; the memorial thereof remains.
[Lat., Factum abiit; monumenta manent.]

The need has gone; the memorial thereof remains.
[Lat., Factum abiit; monumenta manent.]

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Where London's column, pointing at the skies,
Like a tall bully, lifts the head and lies.

Where London's column, pointing at the skies,
Like a tall bully, lifts the head and lies.

by Alexander Pope Found in: Monuments Quotes,
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  34  /  27  

Good Gertrude, set some watch over your son.--
This grave shall have a living monument.
An hour read more

Good Gertrude, set some watch over your son.--
This grave shall have a living monument.
An hour of quiet shortly shall we see;
Till then in patience our proceeding be.

by William Shakespeare Found in: Monuments Quotes,
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  32  /  26  

Let it rise! let it rise, till it meet the sum in his coming;
let the earliest light of read more

Let it rise! let it rise, till it meet the sum in his coming;
let the earliest light of the morning gild it, and the parting
day linger and play on its summit.

by Daniel Webster Found in: Monuments Quotes,
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If we work upon marble it will perish. If we work upon brass
time will efface it. If we read more

If we work upon marble it will perish. If we work upon brass
time will efface it. If we rear temples they will crumble to
dust. But if we work upon men's immortal minds, if we imbue them
with high principles, with the just fear of God and love of their
fellow men, we engrave on those tablets something which no time
can efface, and which will brighten and brighten to all eternity.

by Daniel Webster Found in: Monuments Quotes,
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  31  /  28  

Tombs are the clothes of the dead. A grave is but a plain suit,
and a rich monument is read more

Tombs are the clothes of the dead. A grave is but a plain suit,
and a rich monument is one embroidered.

by Thomas Fuller Found in: Monuments Quotes,
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  26  /  29  

I have reared a memorial more enduring than brass, and loftier
than the regal structure of the pyramids, which read more

I have reared a memorial more enduring than brass, and loftier
than the regal structure of the pyramids, which neither the
corroding shower nor the powerless north wind can destroy; no,
not even unending years nor the flight of time itself. I shall
not entirely die. The greater part of me shall escape oblivion.
[Lat., Exegi monumentum aera perennius
Regalique situ pyramidum altius,
Quod non imber edax, non Aquilo impotens
Possit diruere aut innumerabilis
Annorum series et fuga temporum.
Non omnis moriar, multaque pars mei
Vitabit Libitinam.]

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Marble statues, engraved with public inscriptions, by which the
life and soul return after death to noble leaders.
read more

Marble statues, engraved with public inscriptions, by which the
life and soul return after death to noble leaders.
[Lat., Incisa notis marmora publicis,
Per quae spiritus et vita redit bonis
Post mortem ducibus.]

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Their monument sticks like a fishbone
in the city's throat.

Their monument sticks like a fishbone
in the city's throat.

by Robert Lowell (2) Found in: Monuments Quotes,
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  39  /  40  

He is covered by the heavens who has no sepulchral urn.
[Lat., Coelo tegitur qui non habet urnam.]

He is covered by the heavens who has no sepulchral urn.
[Lat., Coelo tegitur qui non habet urnam.]

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