Post Quotes ( 1 - 10 of 25 )
Soon as thy letters trembling I unclose,
That well-known name awakens all my woes.
Soon as thy letters trembling I unclose,
That well-known name awakens all my woes.
Line after line my gushing eye o'erflow,
Led thro' a said variety of woe:
Now warm in read more
Line after line my gushing eye o'erflow,
Led thro' a said variety of woe:
Now warm in love, now with'ring in my bloom,
Lost in a convent's solitary gloom!
Heav'n first taught letters for some wretch's aid,
Some banish'd lover, or some captive maid.
Heav'n first taught letters for some wretch's aid,
Some banish'd lover, or some captive maid.
Ev'n so, with all submission, I
. . . .
Send you each year a homely letter,
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Ev'n so, with all submission, I
. . . .
Send you each year a homely letter,
Who may return me much a better.
And oft the pangs of absence to remove
By letters, soft interpreters of love.
And oft the pangs of absence to remove
By letters, soft interpreters of love.
I will touch
My mouth unto the leaves, caressingly;
And so wilt thou. Thus, from these lips read more
I will touch
My mouth unto the leaves, caressingly;
And so wilt thou. Thus, from these lips of mine
My message will go kissingly to thine,
With more than Fancy's load of luxury,
And prove a true love-letter.
Letters, from absent friends, extinguish fear,
Unite division, and draw distance near;
Their magic force each silent read more
Letters, from absent friends, extinguish fear,
Unite division, and draw distance near;
Their magic force each silent wish conveys,
And wafts embodied though, a thousand ways:
Could souls to bodies write, death's pow'r were mean,
For minds could then meet minds with heav'n between.
An exquisite invention this,
Worthy of Love's most honeyed kiss,--
This art of writing billet-doux--
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An exquisite invention this,
Worthy of Love's most honeyed kiss,--
This art of writing billet-doux--
In buds, and odors, and bright hues!
In saying all one feels and thinks
In clever daffodils and pinks;
In puns of tulips; and in phrases,
Charming for their truth, of daisies.
A strange volume of real life in the daily packet of the postman.
Eternal love and instant payment!
A strange volume of real life in the daily packet of the postman.
Eternal love and instant payment!
A piece of simple goodness--a letter gushing from the heart; a
beautiful unstudied vindication of the worth and untiring read more
A piece of simple goodness--a letter gushing from the heart; a
beautiful unstudied vindication of the worth and untiring
sweetness of human nature--a record of the invulnerability of
man, armed with high purpose, sanctified by truth.