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Morals Quotes ( 1 - 10 of 20 )

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Moral power is probably best when it is not used. The less you use it the more you have.

Moral power is probably best when it is not used. The less you use it the more you have.

by Andrew Young Found in: Morals Quotes,
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Moral choices do not depend on personal preference and private decision but on right reason and, I would add, divine read more

Moral choices do not depend on personal preference and private decision but on right reason and, I would add, divine order.

by Basil Hume Found in: Morals Quotes,
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For morality life is a war, and the service of the highest is a sort of cosmic patriotism which also read more

For morality life is a war, and the service of the highest is a sort of cosmic patriotism which also calls for volunteers.

by William James Found in: Morals Quotes,
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Morality is a venereal disease. Its primary stage is called virtue; its secondary stage, boredom; its tertiary stage, syphilis.

Morality is a venereal disease. Its primary stage is called virtue; its secondary stage, boredom; its tertiary stage, syphilis.

by Karl Kraus Found in: Morals Quotes,
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Morality is the theory that every h uman act must be either right or wrong, and that 99 % of read more

Morality is the theory that every h uman act must be either right or wrong, and that 99 % of them are wrong.

by H. L. Mencken Found in: Morals Quotes,
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In Los Angeles, it's like they jog for two hours a day and then they think they're morally right. That's read more

In Los Angeles, it's like they jog for two hours a day and then they think they're morally right. That's when you want to choke people, you know?

by Liam Neeson Found in: Morals Quotes,
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The aim of morality is to give people a standard of action and a motive to work by which, they read more

The aim of morality is to give people a standard of action and a motive to work by which, they will not intensify each person's selfishness, but raise them up above it.

by Cecil J. Sharpe Found in: Morals Quotes,
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The new so called morality has too often the old immorality condoned.

The new so called morality has too often the old immorality condoned.

by Lord Shawcross Found in: Morals Quotes,
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The biggest threat to our well-being is the absence of moral clarity and purpose.

The biggest threat to our well-being is the absence of moral clarity and purpose.

by Rick Shuman Found in: Morals Quotes,
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Moral indignation in most cases is, 2% moral, 48% indignation, and 50% envy.

Moral indignation in most cases is, 2% moral, 48% indignation, and 50% envy.

by Vittorio De Sica Found in: Morals Quotes,
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