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Martyr Quotes ( 1 - 5 of 5 )

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The way of the world is, to praise dead saints, and persecute living ones.

The way of the world is, to praise dead saints, and persecute living ones.

by Nathaniel Howe Found in: Martyr Quotes,
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It is the cause and not merely the death that makes the martyr.

It is the cause and not merely the death that makes the martyr.

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  21  /  15  

I think the most uncomfortable thing about martyrs is that they look down on people who aren't.

I think the most uncomfortable thing about martyrs is that they look down on people who aren't.

by Samuel N. Behrman Found in: Martyr Quotes,
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It is more difficult, and it calls for higher energies of soul, to live a martyr than to die one.

It is more difficult, and it calls for higher energies of soul, to live a martyr than to die one.

by Horace Mann Found in: Martyr Quotes,
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A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.

A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.

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