Don Anderson ( 10 of 10 )
We got this information. And there's definitely an interest out there. The more we can educate people, the better.
We got this information. And there's definitely an interest out there. The more we can educate people, the better.
Many northerners just arriving here have not even unpacked choosing to turn around and head north by northeast back toward read more
Many northerners just arriving here have not even unpacked choosing to turn around and head north by northeast back toward Jacksonville, into Georgia, etc.,
It'll keep the tensions down.
It'll keep the tensions down.
We have been pretty fortunate...we do quite a bit of training on driving and how you should be driving and read more
We have been pretty fortunate...we do quite a bit of training on driving and how you should be driving and things like that.
We live in a disposable society, but here, you keep and reuse. I once ordered a part and had it read more
We live in a disposable society, but here, you keep and reuse. I once ordered a part and had it delivered. The part was $10. The delivery was $90. After that, you tend to weigh those decisions a little more carefully.
We need to ask our visitors who our visitors are.
We need to ask our visitors who our visitors are.
The initial reaction is being surprised and pleased. We had feared that this was another giant step down the coast read more
The initial reaction is being surprised and pleased. We had feared that this was another giant step down the coast by this organism.
We wanted to make something a real challenge that took time and effort, so we said, 'Let's swim 100 miles read more
We wanted to make something a real challenge that took time and effort, so we said, 'Let's swim 100 miles in a weekend,'
When we get a big rain, the water comes up and spreads over the orchard. Sometimes we can be 50-75 read more
When we get a big rain, the water comes up and spreads over the orchard. Sometimes we can be 50-75 percent under water. When this happens we can't get our work done, but we can put up with it until the end of February. Then we have to get back to work. When there are breaks in the storm, that allows the water to drain and we can work around that. But when it is just continuous, then we get in trouble.