Benjamin Jowett ( 5 of 5 )
One use of prayer is to maintain in us a higher standard and prevent our principles insensibly sinking to our read more
One use of prayer is to maintain in us a higher standard and prevent our principles insensibly sinking to our practice, or to the practice of the world around us.
The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them.
The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them.
When a man listens to the voice of the tempter within him, he is inclined to do as others do, read more
When a man listens to the voice of the tempter within him, he is inclined to do as others do, not to resist when temptation seems great. But when he looks into the laws of God, and hears the words of Christ, his natural sense of right and wrong is restored to him, and he becomes elevated, purified, and sanctified.
Logic is neither a science nor an art, but a dodge.
Logic is neither a science nor an art, but a dodge.
You must believe in God, in spite of what the clergy say.
You must believe in God, in spite of what the clergy say.