Allan Adler ( 9 of 9 )
When one looks at the results so far for Stephen King, it is something of a wash, ... He simply read more
When one looks at the results so far for Stephen King, it is something of a wash, ... He simply has made back the money it cost him to pursue this means of reaching his audience with his latest work. For authors who don't have the track record, reputation and built-in audience following of a Stephen King, obviously his example is one that doesn't necessarily encourage them to go out and dismiss their publishers.
In all likelihood, the Library of Congress and Dr. Billington will be consulting closely with the U.S. Copyright Office housed read more
In all likelihood, the Library of Congress and Dr. Billington will be consulting closely with the U.S. Copyright Office housed in the Library of Congress,
The role that publishers play in terms of helping to put together the product in a way that has market read more
The role that publishers play in terms of helping to put together the product in a way that has market appeal, in publicizing the product ... that's something that Stephen King was able to forgo by going directly to the public, based on his reputation, ... Most artists, and especially new authors, don't have that ability.
So I think that some of the fears that people have posed about what this type of publication directly on read more
So I think that some of the fears that people have posed about what this type of publication directly on the Internet will mean for the book publishing industry have been vastly overstated.
They think they're being generous, but the burden is on the author and publisher. If it was fair use, you read more
They think they're being generous, but the burden is on the author and publisher. If it was fair use, you wouldn't be offering the opt-out.
The fact that we filed suit shows how important the issue is to us. It may be unwise to make read more
The fact that we filed suit shows how important the issue is to us. It may be unwise to make any significant change in our posture.
Cases like this hopefully will clarify what copyright is all about. Copyright doesn't protect ideas, and copyright doesn't protect facts. read more
Cases like this hopefully will clarify what copyright is all about. Copyright doesn't protect ideas, and copyright doesn't protect facts. . . . A number of people can write novels based on the same idea and still have freedom of expression.
Cases like this hopefully will clarify what copyright is all about.
Cases like this hopefully will clarify what copyright is all about.
This category is fraught with issues as to whether publishers can even say go ahead and use them because they read more
This category is fraught with issues as to whether publishers can even say go ahead and use them because they may not have the rights.