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That most delicious of all privileges - spending other people's money
That most delicious of all privileges - spending other people's money
Privilege is the greatest enemy of right
Privilege is the greatest enemy of right
When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, read more
When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
Thus no member of the commonwealth can have a hereditary privilege as against his fellow-subjects; and no-one can hand down read more
Thus no member of the commonwealth can have a hereditary privilege as against his fellow-subjects; and no-one can hand down to his descendants the privileges attached to the rank he occupies in the commonwealth, nor act as if he were qualified as a ruler by birth and forcibly prevent others from reaching the higher levels of the hierarchy through their own merit. He may hand down everything else, so long as it is material and not pertaining to his person, for it may be acquired and disposed of as property and may over a series of generations create considerable inequalities in wealth among the members of the commonwealt. But he may not prevent his subordinates from raising themselves to his own level if they are able and entitled to do so by their talent, industry and good fortune. If this were not so, he would be allowed to practise coercion without himself being subject to coercive counter-measures from others, and would thus be more than their fellow-subject.