Maxioms Pet

  •   41  /  33  

    A benefit consists not in what is done or given, but in the
    intention of the giver or doer.
    [Lat., Beneficium non in eo quot fit aut datur consistit sed in
    ipso dantis aut facientis animo.]

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  30  /  37  

Let him that hath done the good office conceal it; let him that
received it disclose it.
[Lat., read more

Let him that hath done the good office conceal it; let him that
received it disclose it.
[Lat., Qui dedit beneficium taceat; narret; qui accepit.]

  ( comments )
  42  /  42  

A benefit is estimated according to the mind of the giver.
[Lat., Eodem animo beneficium debetur, quo datur.]

A benefit is estimated according to the mind of the giver.
[Lat., Eodem animo beneficium debetur, quo datur.]

  ( comments )
  28  /  31  

He gives a benefit twice who gives quickly.
[Lat., Inopi beneficium bis dat, qui dat celeriter.]

He gives a benefit twice who gives quickly.
[Lat., Inopi beneficium bis dat, qui dat celeriter.]

  ( comments )
  25  /  30  

Benefits are acceptable, while the receiver thinks he may return
them; but once exceeding that, hatred is given instead read more

Benefits are acceptable, while the receiver thinks he may return
them; but once exceeding that, hatred is given instead of thanks.
[Lat., Beneficia usque eo laeta sunt dum videntur exsolvi posse;
ubi multum antevenere pro gratia odium redditur.]

Maxioms Web Pet