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The Reverend are ever before.
The Reverend are ever before.
You may envy every one, but no one envies you.
You may envy every one, but no one envies you.
If the first of July be rainy weather,
It will rain, more of less, for four weeks together.
If the first of July be rainy weather,
It will rain, more of less, for four weeks together.
Check the beginning of evil; the remedy is too late when the
disease by delay has increased in strength.
Check the beginning of evil; the remedy is too late when the
disease by delay has increased in strength.
Facts are stubborn things.
Facts are stubborn things.
He that can make a fire well, can end a quarrell.
He that can make a fire well, can end a quarrell.
What our contempts do often hurl from us,
We wish it ours again.
What our contempts do often hurl from us,
We wish it ours again.
The great put the little on the hooke.
The great put the little on the hooke.
Whither, O god of wine, art thou hurrying me, whilst under thy
all-powerful influence?
Whither, O god of wine, art thou hurrying me, whilst under thy
all-powerful influence?