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If thou engrossest all the griefs are thine,
Thou robb'st me of a moiety.
If thou engrossest all the griefs are thine,
Thou robb'st me of a moiety.
It is foolish to tear one's hair in grief, as though sorrow would be made less by baldness.
It is foolish to tear one's hair in grief, as though sorrow would be made less by baldness.
O, grief hath changed me since you saw me last,
And careful hours, with Time's deformed hand,
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O, grief hath changed me since you saw me last,
And careful hours, with Time's deformed hand,
Have written strange defeatures in my face.
Excess of grief for the dead is madness; for it is an injury to the living, and the dead know read more
Excess of grief for the dead is madness; for it is an injury to the living, and the dead know it not.
The only cure for grief is action.
The only cure for grief is action.
Well has it been said that there is no grief like the grief which does not speak.
Well has it been said that there is no grief like the grief which does not speak.
Why wilt thou add to all the griefs I suffer
Imaginary ills, and fancy'd tortures?
Why wilt thou add to all the griefs I suffer
Imaginary ills, and fancy'd tortures?
Grief tears his heart, and drives him to and fro,
In all the raging impotence of woe.
Grief tears his heart, and drives him to and fro,
In all the raging impotence of woe.
One joy shatters a hundred griefs
One joy shatters a hundred griefs