Maxioms by Quintus Ennius
He who civilly shows the way to one who has missed it, is as one
who has lighted another's read more
He who civilly shows the way to one who has missed it, is as one
who has lighted another's lamp from his own lamp; it none the
less gives light to himself when it burns for the other.
[Lat., Homo qui erranti comiter monstrat viam,
Quasi lumen de suo lumine accendit, facit:
Nihilominus ipsi luceat, cum illi accenderit.]
Whom men fear they hate, and whom they hate, they wish dead.
[Lat., Quem metuont oderunt, quem quisque odit read more
Whom men fear they hate, and whom they hate, they wish dead.
[Lat., Quem metuont oderunt, quem quisque odit periisse expetit.]
One man restored our fortunes by delay. [By skilfully avoiding
an engagement, Fabius exhausted the resources of the enemy.]
One man restored our fortunes by delay. [By skilfully avoiding
an engagement, Fabius exhausted the resources of the enemy.]
He whose wisdom cannot help him, gets no good from being wise.
He whose wisdom cannot help him, gets no good from being wise.
Let no one weep for me, or celebrate my funeral with mourning; for I still live, as I pass to read more
Let no one weep for me, or celebrate my funeral with mourning; for I still live, as I pass to and fro through the mouths of men